I started this journey searching on the Internet for basic information on fractal art.
I found out that you need some computer aid to help do all the calculations. At first this sounded like cheating. Why couldn't I come up with some formula and graph it on my own graph paper and not have to use a computer? Silly me.
You have to remember I do not know anything about fractals nor fractal art. I am exploring this as a hobby. So, all the pros out there are going to have to be patient with me.)
In theory you could do that, but it would take forever (besides I can't do that now anyway, even if I wanted). So, I found out you need some software to help you.
The first one I found was
Fractal Explorer. It is a program that means business. But this was like driving a race car for someone who only has their learner's permit. So, I am still learning what all this thing does and how to manipulate it to produce art. In the meantime, I stumbled on this program
Ergerzhour Fraktalioù (obviously in a foreign language put you can click the English flag, though the program itself runs in the foreign language). It's described as "a program to explore Mandelbrot's fractals," so it seemed like something I could use.
I've decided that as I find other links about fractal art I will add them to the link section.